Eastern District of Louisiana 341SET (First Meeting Scheduled) 707(b) Presumption of Abuse under 707 727OBJ Objection to the Discharge of the Debtor ADDCHANGE Notice of Address Change AMDMATRIX Amended Matrix APLCWUCF Application to Withdraw Unclaimed Funds APPEAL APPEAL ARCHIV Archived ASSET Case asset status updated to Asset. AUTOASSIGNNO Do not auto assign case. AWDISCH Awaiting Discharge AdminClosed Administratively Closed BARDEBTOR Barred Debtor CLAIMS Claims have been docketed to this case CLOSED Case Closed CNTDWODT Continued Without Date Matter CONS Consolidated Case CONVERTED Case Converted ClaimsNoticeAgent Claims Noticing Agent ComplexCase Complex Case Determination Granted ComplexCaseDn Complex Case Determination Denied CounDue Certification for Credit Counseling Due Db CounDueJt Certification for Credit Counseling Due Jt Db CredAdd Add Creditor to Matrix DECLECFDue Declaration Regarding Electronic Filing Due DECLECFRcv Declaration Regarding Electronic Filing Received DEFER Fee Deferred DFLT Clerk's Entry of Default DISCHDELAYED Discharge Delayed DISMISSED Case Dismissed DISMISSED105A Case Dismissed With Prejudice for a Designated Time Period DISMISSED109G Case Dismissed With Prejudice DOMSUP13 Domestic Support Obligations DSCDSM Case where one debtor Discharged & one debtor Dismissed DSCVAC Discharge Order Vacated DSMVAC Dismissal Order Vacated DebtEd Financial Mgt - Debtor Education Certificate Due DebtEdJt Financial Mgt - Joint Debtor Education Certificate Due DirApl Direct Appeal to Circuit Court DsclsDue Disclosure Statement Due FUNDS Funds Deposited in Court Registry FederalExemption Federal Exemption FeeDeferredTR Fee Deferred Trustee FeeDueABN Fee Due on Motion to Abandon FeeDueAMD Fee Due for Amendment to Debtor's Schedule or List of Creditors FeeDueAP Fee Due Adversary Proceeding FeeDueAPL Filing Fee Due for Notice of Appeal FeeDueBK Fee Due Voluntary/Involuntary Petition FeeDueBalAPL Filing Fee Balance Due for Notice of Appeal FeeDueBalINST1 Balance of Installment 1 Payment FeeDueCAPL Fee Due Cross Appeal FeeDueCNV Fee Due Conversion to 7 FeeDueINST Installment Payment Due FeeDueMP Fee Due Miscellaneous Proceedings FeeDueREOPEN Filing Fee Due for Reopening Case FeeDueSPLIT Filing Fee Due on Motion to Split (Sever) Case FeeDueSTAY Fee Due Stay FeeDueWDREF Filing Fee Due for Withdrawal of Reference FeeRemindMot Fee Reminder Motion FeeRemindPet Fee Reminder Petition FeeRemindTR Fee Reminder Trustee's Deferred Fees FeeWaived Fee Waived FeeWaivedTR Fee Waived Trustee IFP IFP fee Waived INTP Interpleader IneligClose Do not redisplay case ineligible for auto close IneligDisch Do not redisplay case ineligible for auto discharge JNTADMN Jointly Administered LEAD Lead Case M1519 Motion for Provisional Relief Section 1519 M1521/1507 Motion for Post-Recognition Relief Section 1521/1507 MDLYDSC Motion to Delay Discharge MEANSTMPEX Temporary exclusion from means test for reservists and national guard MONEY MONEY MUA Matter Under Advisement MegaCase A case with at least 1000 creditors, $100 million or more in assets, and other factors. NDRWithdrawn Trustee's No Distribution Report Withdrawn NODSC Discharge Not Issued NTCAPR Notice of Appearance NTCDFC Notice of Deficiency NTCDFCRC Notice of Deficiency Re Credit Counseling NTCDFCSM Notice of Deficiency Schedules and/or Means Test NTCIEDSC Notice of Ineligibility to Receive Ch. 13 Discharge NTCIEDSC1DB Notice of Ineligibility to Receive Ch. 13 Discharge One Debtor ONLY NoAutoDisch Do not allow Auto Discharge for this case NtcComplexCaseD Notice of Designation of Complex Case Filed OBJ1515 Objection to Recognition of Foreign Proceeding Section 1515 OBJ1519 Objection to Provisional Relief Section 1519 OBJ1521/1507 Objection to Post-Recognition Relief Section 1521/1507 OBJDISCH Motion Objecting to Discharge filed. ORD1515 Order on Recognition of Foreign Proceeding Section 1515 ORD1519 Order on Motion for Provisional Relief Section 1519 ORD1521/1507 Order on Motion for Post-Recognition Relief Section 1521/1507 OSC Order to Show Cause OSCCRC Order to Show Cause Re Credit Counseling Certificate Ovrride Override PComplexCaseD Awaiting Filing of Notice of Designation of a Complex Case PRVDISCH Previous Discharge PRVDISM Previous Dismissal PlnDue Plan Due ProHacVice Pro Hac Vice attorney exist on the case. ProSe Pro Se Debtor(s) exist on the case. ProSeESR Opened from an eSR package REAF Reaffirmation Agreement Set For Hearing REOPENED Reopened Case ReafHdShp Reaffirmation Hardship RemainOpen Remain Open Repeat Repeat Filer Repeat-laeb prior BK filing within this court RepeatPACER prior BK filing identified by Pacer Case Locator ResponseFinalCurePayment Response to Notice of Final Cure Payment filed. SANCDUE Sanction Payment Due SARE Single-Asset Real Estate Debtor SEALED Case Sealed SEALEDDOC Sealed Document SEC316DEF Section 316 Incomplete Filing SIPA Securities Investor Protection Act SPLITCASE Joint Case Severed STATDFC Notice of Statistical Deficiency SUMREQ Request for Issuance of Summons SkipPriorRelCase Skip AJT assignment because the case has a prior or related case SmBus Small Business StateExemption State Exemption Subchapter_V Chapter 11, Subchapter V TRANSIN Case Transferred into the District TRANSOUT Case Transferred Out of District TRDISCLAIMP Trustee Disclaimer and Abandonment Pending TaxReq Tax Return Request WTRSVREND Withdrawal of Trustee Services Rendered WithXMLData A code to track cases opened with XML data dscdn Discharge Denied dscrvk Discharge Revoked dscrvk1db Discharge Revoked for one debtor dscvac Discharge Vacated dscwav Discharge Waived eSR Opened from an eSR package trnsclm Transfer of Claim wav Waived 12/10/2001 Eastern District of Louisiana
Hale Boggs Building, 500 Poydras Street, Room B-601, New Orleans, LA 70130
CMECF_LAEB@laeb.uscourts.gov 8:30 - 4:30 Monday - Friday (504) 589-7878
10 60 PACER Service Center, PO Box 780549, San Antonio TX 78278-0549 pacer@psc.uscourts.gov 800-676-6856 n NextGen CM/ECF Release 1.8 (Revision 1.8.1)